Empowering your clients with real-time information.
The client portal feature in WorkPal gives your customers access to view what you want them to see – Access logged jobs, view assets, and track jobs in progress.
The ability to utilise client portals is a great advantage during tender processes and gives a more thorough service to customers.

Communicate with your clients
Give your customers the ultimate 24/7 insight into upcoming works and works completed on their sites. Allow them to access job sheets, photos, time on site, digital forms and documents without having to call your office.

5 Ways Field Service Management Software Can Benefit Your Business.
5 Ways Field Service Management Software Can Benefit Your Business.
Win and retain important contracts
Client Portal access is fast becoming an essential part of tenders/contracts in the digital transformation era. WorkPal has the facility to aid you in winning these tenders while also reducing admin time on reporting back to customers.

Put the power back in your client’s hands with instant reporting
Give customers the ability to run their own reports on complete jobs and upcoming jobs, anything from SLA’s to PPMs, reducing office admin time and giving customers more transparent access.

Speak To A Consultant
Book A Custom Demonstration
Our software consultants are experts in field service software and work with various industries throughout the UK and Ireland. We’ll create a customised demo environment with similar jobs to your businesses and take you through how the system works in full.
Speak To A Consultant
Book A Custom Demonstration
Our software consultants are experts in field service software and work with various industries throughout the UK and Ireland. We’ll create a customised demo environment with similar jobs to your businesses and take you through how the system works in full.
Sub-Contractor Portal & Mobile App
Give subcontractors access to login through their own portal and complete jobs assigned to them via the mobile app meaning no more waiting on paperwork and emails with Purchase Orders needing to be picked up.

Ensure you stay compliant for auditing
Subcontractors are forced to follow your workflow and compliance (time capture, photo capture, form completion) – meaning that you can always guarantee the same high level of work completed.

Real-Time Updates
Give subcontractors access to login through their own portal and complete jobs assigned to them via the mobile app meaning no more waiting on paperwork and emails with Purchase Orders needing to be picked up.

Create custom reports
Keep an eye on sub-contractors and their SLA times to ensure they are meeting your standards or customer service. Allow sub-contractors to report on jobs they have done for you, giving better communication and clarity.

“In a service industry where communication and reputation is everything, WorkPal helps us ensure that our customers are kept fully up-to-date on the status of the works that we carry out for them as promptly as possible, from job progress through to job completion and invoicing.”